The most important thing to note, though, is, as I mentioned earlier, that destruction is integral to the combat, and it’s by no means a gimmick.

The actual GeoMod engine is also tweaked and refined, and structures now collapse and fall more convincingly, even if there are still a few instances of thin sticks of metal holding up whole buildings. There’s always the trusty hammer, too, of course. It has a slow recharge, but it’s a real tide turner at times, and if nothing else, let’s you smash the world apart if you’re out of ammo. The Nano Forge also lets you fire off waves of energy, letting you smash through walls and send foes splattering into surfaces.

This ability to effectively shape the world by blowing it up and then rebuilding it adds a whole new layer to the GeoMod functionality here, and helps to bring a lot of great gameplay to the mix. Stuck in the middle of a battle with no cover? Rebuild some in a flash. So, if you blew up a bridge or stairway in a frantic battle, and now need to use them to continue, you can quickly rebuild either.

This device, activated by holding LB, can be used to instantly rebuild the environment. A core plot device of Guerrilla, it’s now been refined, not only into some weapons, such as the returning Nano rifle, but also as a wrist-mounted computer and construction device. The other new addition is the Nano Forge. This makes for some truly impressive bouts of environmental destruction, and not only can you tear down structures by ripping their supports out from under them, but you can throw chunks of the environment at your foes, with satisfying results. Once connected, whatever is tethered to the first magnetic bolt is then ripped up and sent flying towards the other end of the tether. The magnet gun is surely going to become a firm favourite, and can be used to launch magnetic tethers to two points in the world. Of course, this means plenty of carnage and is a prime excuse to blow the crap out of the environment in the process, a Red Faction staple. Soon Darius and the rest of the Red Faction (well, mainly Darius) are forced to engage the enemy in an effort to save themselves from annihilation. That is, until the indigenous species of Mars decide to pay them a visit and all Hell breaks loose. Battling for survival, the colonists haven’t done too badly for themselves, building undergrounds towns and settlements. The prologue of the story reveals a disaster that effectively destroys the surface atmosphere of Mars and forces the inhabitants underground into the old Ultor mines and various caverns. As Alec’s grandson, Darius Mason, players are thrown into another Martian meltdown, and are tasked with fighting both evil fanatics bent on destroying the Red Faction, and a horde of Martian creatures, released from the depths of the planet. Red Faction: Armageddon takes place several decades after the events seen in Red Faction: Guerrilla, after Alec Mason successfully liberated Mars, and pushed the EDF off the planet.